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Happy Mommy Day!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Life cycles are interesting things to think about when it comes to days like Mother's Day, especially when looking back at old pictures. This picture was taken of my mom when she was in college, and its funny to think of my mom before me, a carefree woman in her early twenties experiencing life like I am now. Then its surreal to think of how one day it will be my turn, as my future family won't be able to comprehend my life before "dad" and a life that centered around me rather than putting their needs first. My mother is one of the most self sacrificing people I know, always caring for others, shopping for herself last, in fact, its nice to finally see her begin to start doing things for herself now that her children are basically grown.

So this post is dedicated to you Mom, thanks for always (and still) supporting me in any venture I decided to throw myself into, whether it was staying up late painting school projects or lending a shoulder when a boy had broken my heart, you have been amazing through and through and words just can't come close to touching an explanation for you. I love you so much and cannot wait to see you daily when I move back from France.


your baby

What does your Mother mean to you darlings?

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