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Pourquoi Pas?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Why not have a Blog Feature mes cheries? Well here you go! I was so honored to be asked by the people of 24Blogazine on What to Wear for Spring...so hop on over and get your wardrobe Spring Fashion Ready!

Photographer: Truc Nguyen

What will you be wearing this Spring?

Rather Interesting Event Experience
On a side note my darlings...not every event I go to is glamorous and amiable...this past weekend I attended a Trunk Show that I received an invitation to for Chloe & Reese.

Now let me sidebar to tell you I am a FIRM believer in never being "too big for your britches" for those of you not from the South, that means you should never act bigger than you are. I don't believe anyone, no matter how famous or what high end industry you work in, is EVER above being a decent human being. The unfortunate thing in NYC is it tends to attract many 'nobodies' that think they're 'somebodies' and feel the need to exert that on everyone else. You are NEVER above decent manners, people are people, and you should always treat them with your respect and attention. Case in point: Charlie Sheen and John Galliano... you are not above human decency no matter who you are.

So I arrive at the Chloe & Reese event expecting to learn about the line, mingle with the attendees and snap some photos for you. Boy was I wrong. I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman when the Sales Lady on Rodeo Drive would not help her. These women running the event were like and who are you? And I happily told them I'm a blogger, and I received the invitation and was excited to learn more about the line. And the conversation proceeded to go like this...

Snooty Staff Girl: Oh no no no this is not a press event, this is a closed private event.
Me: Oh I'm sorry, I'm just always asked to cover events, so when I received the invitation I assumed it was OK.
Snooty Staff Girl: Hmm well this is a private "undergound" event and the people here know the designer personally, I'm not really sure how you got the invitation but this is not an event we are publicizing.
Me: um...OK well I just thought I would do a feature on the line, the invitation never mentioned any restrictions.

...and after browsing around the room at the pieces for a few minutes and generally being ignored, I grabbed my coat and left...awkward.

My fabulous blogger friend Nubia of Nubia's Nonsense had an even worse experience than me with this group of women be sure to check out her story HERE. I was appalled that they would allow such an image to extend from this brand, I am a marketing professional in my career and this behavior is NOT acceptable for brand management.
So just an FYI to all of you about the line Chloe & Reese. Beware.

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