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French Musicians to Discover

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bonjour tout la monde! I have been obsessively scouring iTunes, YouTube, and Google over the past week in search of new cool French musicians to get stuck in my head. The results have been pretty great, although it has resulted in very late nights...very late. You see, with an American iTunes account I can only get so far, and since I can no longer listen to French radio during my daily commute, I had to make an effort myself.

Here are some French musicians I am selecting out of my YouTube playlist that you should definitely check out ASAP!

Greg Laffargue kind've has a Jason Mraz feel, happy and laid back.

Sofia Essaidi is so much fun...not to mention super adorable in this video.

Thomas Pradeau is one of those musicians who you instantly love.

Zaz has this amazing soulful voice that is rare these days. This is her doing an impressive cover of an Edith Piaf song, but her original music is definitely worth checking out as well.

Which French musician will be 
added to your playlist mes cheris? 

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